The Fourth International Bee and Hive Monitoring Conference Goes Virtual

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To all members of the bee, colony, and hive monitoring community, we have selected a date for the 2020 Zoom Conference! It will be spread over five days, from October 5-9. To date, we have received uploads of presentations from about 60% of those of you on our mailing list.

If you have already submitted a 15-minute presentation, you are guaranteed as a program presenter. If you have not, we are offering one last chance to see your work, software, or products highlighted by this conference?

We will accept new presentations before, but not later than September 18th. If you are hesitant to present because you haven’t used Zoom to record presentation videos, please contact me at, and I can help you.

Now that we have a date and a list of speakers, we have started advertising the program to the customer base. You will see the following announcement posted online by Bee Culture and the American Bee Journal, the Eastern and Western Apicultural Societies of America, various beekeeping associations. We are making a special effort to invite the officers of the American Federation of Beekeepers and the American Honey Producers Association. For those of you in other countries, we ask that you contact the appropriate interest groups; provide the following announcement:

Announcing the Fourth International Bee and Hive Monitoring Conference!

  • Commercial beekeepers will see monitoring technologies for remote apiaries, management software – for planning and record-keeping, asset marking and tracking devices, theft protection units, mapping software, and more.
  • Backyard beekeepers will see the latest versions of monitoring technology: hive scales, temperature sensors, acoustic interpreters, forager counters, and more.
  • Location: Zoom (registrants will receive link)
  • Dates: October 5 – 9, 2020
  • Registration: Limited to the first 300 registrants
  • Cost: $20.00. Yes, only $20 bucks.
  • Format: Conference sessions will be held a few hours each day, over several days. Sessions will be organized by topic. Presentations will be pre-recorded, with live Q & A after each session.


  1. Expect multiple simultaneous sessions.
  2. Recordings. With speaker permission, will be made available after the conference.
  3. About previous events: In 2018: In 2014:
  4. For presenters, a new conference goal is to discuss the formation of a professional organization to support investigators and pioneers in innovative and emerging technologies associated with bee and hive monitoring.

We strongly encourage everyone with an important bee, hive, and colony monitoring technology, whether software, communications, or hardware to take advantage of announcing to the world that you have something to offer to beekeepers and to protecting the health of bees.

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