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Postdoctoral position in behavioural ecology: Regulation mechanisms of honey bee behavioural defences against diseases

A two-year position for a postdoctoral researcher is open at the “Bess and Environment” research unit (Avignon, France) affiliated to INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment), one of the leading institute in the world for the study of relationships between agriculture, environment and food. The postdoc will work on the mechanisms…

SICAMM conference from 24th to 27 of August, Savoy France

Dear friends of the dark bee, The SICAMM (Societas Internationalis pro Conservatione Apis mellifera mellifera) is organising its international conference for the conservation of the black bee this summer, from 24 to 27 August 2023 in St Martin de Belleville Savoie – France in partnership with the CETA (Centre d’Étude des Techniques Apicoles) de Savoie,…