host-parasite interaction

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Anatomical, phenological and genetic aspects of the host–parasite relationship between Andrena vaga (Hymenoptera) and Stylops ater (Strepsiptera)

Stylops ater is an endoparasite of the mining bee Andrena vaga with extreme sexual dimorphism and hypermetamorphosis. Its population structure, parasitization mode, genetic diversity and impact on host morphology were examined in nesting sites in Germany to better understand this highly specialized host–parasite interaction. The shift in host emergence due to stylopization was proven to…

Insects’ essential role in understanding and broadening animal medication

Like humans, animals use plants and other materials as medication against parasites. Recent decades have shown that the study of insects can greatly advance our understanding of medication behaviors. The ease of rearing insects under laboratory conditions has enabled controlled experiments to test critical hypotheses, while their spectrum of reproductive strategies and living arrangements –…