The first SOLATINA-COLOSS meeting took place virtually on September 22, 2021. The event was set up with the aim of promoting collaboration between the two societies. SoLatInA (SOciedad LATinoamericana de INvestigación en Abejas; is the Latin American Society for Bee Research based in Montevideo, Uruguay, founded in 2017 with the objectives of contributing to the knowledge, health and conservation of bees in Latin America while strengthening research capacities, and coordinating international research activities (Antúnez et al., 2018). COLOSS (prevention of honey bee COlony LOSSes; is an international bee research association headquartered in Bern, Switzerland, whose mission is to improve the health and well-being of bees at a global level by advocating for bees, and their well-being, especially towards government legislators and administrators; coordinating international research, including the development of standard research methods; disseminating knowledge and training related to improving the well-being of bees; promoting youth development and gender balance among those studying, or actively involved, in promoting the well-being of bees (Carreck, 2021). The aims of both societies are much in line with each other, and cooperation and open dialogue are key to better understand the reasons why bee populations are threatened in today’s world. The collaboration between both societies started since the creation of SOLATINA, when Dr. Karl Crailsheim participated in the foundational meeting and has continued throughout the years with the participation of SOLATINAs researchers in meetings organized by COLOSS and vice versa.