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Dynamic of the Presence of Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus in Honeybee Colonies with Collapse Disorder

Abstract The determinants of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), a particular case of collapse of honey bee colonies, are still unresolved. Viruses including the Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV) were associated with CCD. We found an apiary with colonies showing typical CCD characteristics that bore high loads of IAPV, recovered some colonies from collapse and tested…

Presence of Nosema ceranae associated with honeybee queen introductions

Abstract Microsporidiosis caused by Nosema species is one of the factors threatening the health of the honeybee(Apis mellifera), which is an essential element in agriculture mainly due to its pollination function. Thedispersion of this pathogen may be influenced by many factors, including various aspects of beekeepingmanagement such as introduction of queens with different origin. Herein…