July 2023

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SICAMM conference from 24th to 27 of August, Savoy France

Dear friends of the dark bee, The SICAMM (Societas Internationalis pro Conservatione Apis mellifera mellifera) is organising its international conference for the conservation of the black bee this summer, from 24 to 27 August 2023 in St Martin de Belleville Savoie – France in partnership with the CETA (Centre d’Étude des Techniques Apicoles) de Savoie,…

Development, behaviour, productivity, and health status of the native honey bee Apis mellifera ruttneri vs. the introduced A. m. ligustica in Malta

The tiny population of the endemic Maltese honey bee (A. m. ruttneri) is threatened by anthropogenic influences, such as urbanisation, habitat loss, and unsustainable agricultural practices, but most prominently by the importation of commercially important non-native stock. To obtain data on the colony life cycle parameters of A. m. ruttneri and to measure its apicultural performance in…

Biotic and Abiotic Stresses on Honeybee Health

Honeybees are the most critical pollinators providing key ecosystem services that underpin crop production and sustainable agriculture. Amidst a backdrop of rapid global change, this eusocial insect encounters a succession of stressors during nesting, foraging, and pollination. Ectoparasitic mites, together with vectored viruses, have been recognized as central biotic threats to honeybee health, while the…

Effects of local domestication warrant attention in honey bee population genetics

Honey bees, Apis mellifera, have for millennia been managed and exploited by humans and introduced into most suitable regions worldwide. However, given the lack of records for many introduction events, treating A. mellifera populations as native would predictably bias genetic studies regarding origin and evolution. Here, we used the Dongbei bee, a well-documented population, introduced…