Full-time position for a beekeeper in a research project

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A full-time position for a beekeeper or beekeeping advisor in a research project is available at the Bee Institute Kirchhain of the Landesbetrieb Landwirtschaft Hessen (www.llh.hessen.de).

The project aims at exploring the effects of an innovative varroa management approach based on brood interruption in late summer on the vitality and productivity of colonies, in comparison to the conventional approach relying on summer treatments with formic acid. In addition to the scientific approach, we aim at an early and intensive transfer to and implementation of the innovative approach in the beekeeping community. Our aim is to set up a network of regional beekeeping associations and to involve beekeepers into implementing the innovative methods and assessing its effects in the context of their beekeeping operations.

The position is part of a collaborative project of the LLH and the University of Würzburg, funded by the German Agency for Agriculture and Nutrition.

We are looking for a highly motivated beekeeper with excellent communication skills and an interest in disseminating scientific results into the beekeeping community and implementing new methods using an interactive approach.

Applicants should have a completed education as beekeeper (Tierwirt Fachrichtung Imkerei) or a comparable training and several years of practice in beekeeping in a commercial or scientific context. A driver’s license and excellent communication skills in German are essential. The candidate is expected to work both individually and in close contact and collaboration with the beekeeping community and the project partners at the University of Würzburg.

The position is located at the Bee Institute Kirchhain (Germany).

For further information, please contact Dr. Marina Meixner (marina.meixner@llh.hessen.de) or Dr. Ralph Büchler (ralph.buechler@llh.hessen.de).

Salary and benefits are according to public service positions in Germany (TV-H, up to EG 9).

The position is for a duration of three years with an earliest start date of May 1, 2021, pending the approval of the granting agency.

Please find more details and instructions for application here.