SICAMM conference from 24th to 27 of August, Savoy France

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Dear friends of the dark bee,

The SICAMM (Societas Internationalis pro Conservatione Apis mellifera mellifera) is organising its international conference for the conservation of the black bee this summer, from

24 to 27 August 2023
in St Martin de Belleville
Savoie – France

in partnership with the CETA (Centre d’Étude des Techniques Apicoles) de Savoie, and with the support of Les Belleville town council.

Full details of how to book, the venue and the programme can be found on our website. Please register on the conference site

We are looking forward to seeing many of you there. We have set aside time to share our experiences, practices and visions, with the aim of proposing concrete measures at international level to protect black bees.

Vincent René Douarre