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Joining Forces across Continents: The 1st SOLATINA–COLOSS Conference

Introduction The first SOLATINA-COLOSS meeting took place virtually on September 22, 2021. The event was set up with the aim of promoting collaboration between the two societies. SoLatInA (SOciedad LATinoamericana de INvestigación en Abejas; is the Latin American Society for Bee Research based in Montevideo, Uruguay, founded in 2017 with the objectives of contributing…

Webinar Series “Horizons in bee research” by SOLATINA

On behalf of the Directive Committee of SOLATINA, we would like to invite COLOSS members to participate in the webinar series entitled “Horizons in bee research”. The conferences will be given by invited scientists, experts on different topics and will talk about the latest and most important results in their areas of research on managed and wild…